22 de maig del 2012


Monday 21 - Look at the blog, you can listen to a Beautiful Story.
Tuesday 22 - P4, look at the blog, you can look 'The parts of the body'. Class 6, Theatre in English 'Mary Poppins' at 15:30h for all students.
Wednesday 23 - Class 6, Theatre in English 'Mary Poppins' at 21:00h for the families.
Thursday 24 - P3, Story Time at 10:30h for P1 and P2. P5, English Show at 15:15h for the P3, P4, Class 1 and Class 2 at 20:30h for the families.
Friday 25 - P3, Story Time at 20:30 for the families. Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: Songs in English with Gerry & Inés at 10:30h for P3, P4 and P5.